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“The most profound challenge to the welfare state in a generation originated in Chile. Thatcher and Reagan came later", by Niall Ferguson

“José Piñera, the godfather, mastermind, architect, navigator, and quarterback of the reform”, by Star Parker

Lech Walesa, José Piñera, and human freedom, by Ian Vasquez

Bring on the Chilean Pension Reform, by The Wall Street Journal Europe

Pension Reform Pied Piper Loves Private Accounts, by Matt Moffett

José Piñera's Mission to Reform Social Security, by Eric Simons

Creating wealth for workers, by Richard Rahn (Washington Times 15.5.08)

Economists transforming the world, by Mark Skousen 

Viva Piñera, by Carlo Stagnaro

Piñera, by Jan Oravec

Promoter of freedom and democracy, by José Luis Daza

The Innovators: Bismarck vs Piñera, Global Custodian Special Report, Fall, 1999

Chile's Pension Reformer, by Peronet Despeignes

Chile's man from Harvard, by L. Francis Bouchey

José Pinera, l'homme qui a assuré la richesse du Chili, par Bernard Martoia

How we created with José Piñera the private pension system in Colombia, by Juan Manuel Santos

Seventy articles of José Piñera in defense of human rights, by Soames Flowerree

La Via Cilena Alla Previdenza che aiuta a risanare i conti, by La Repubblica

Letter Crane to JP, by Edward H. Crane

UK: Chile's hot pension model for Britain, by Bill Jamieson

Pension Reform: What an Ageing Europe can learn from Chile?, by Kristian Niemietz

Firing Line TV with William F. Buclley Jr., May 1988

Chile: A Better Social Security System?, by William F. Buckley Jr.

Venticinque anni dopo. La rivoluzione liberale di Reagan e Pinera, Istituto Bruno Leoni


José Piñera, défenseur de la démocratie au Chili, par José Luis Daza

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